What adopted parents should NOT do

I am an adoptee. I have a few things that I strongly suggest adopted parents do not do. You want the best possible relationship with your child that you can have. As you are considering adoption or in the process of adoption you have to prepare for the fact that your child will more thanContinue reading “What adopted parents should NOT do”

Support adoption stop abortion

Instead of preaching about no abortions and such we should be supporting adoption more. We should have counseling to tell women about the long term mental effects of abortion. We should put our money where our mouths are and financially support adoptions and mental help for pregnant women considering giving up their child. Abortion shouldContinue reading “Support adoption stop abortion”

2022 goals in adoption

We need to change the laws in every state so an adoptee at the age of 18 is able to get their adoption records without a fight in court! It is every person’s right to know who their biological family is. As an adoptive it was not my choice to be given up to anotherContinue reading “2022 goals in adoption”

Mental health today 2021

men·tal health Learn to pronounce nounnoun: mental health a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.”all this pressure seems to be affecting his mental health” Translate mental health to Definitions from Oxford Languages https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ Mental health is very real. Do NOT turn your head from it. Learn how to look for signsContinue reading “Mental health today 2021”