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Adoption and the birth certificate


The birth certificate….. The birth certificate is one of the biggest topics of adoptees. Adopted parents do NOT take offense to your child being disappointed that you are listed on their second birth certificate. I would think that I am speaking for almost all of adoptees when I say we think these are fake or false documents. We had a birth mother that originally gave birth to us as well as their was a man involved. I can fully understand having our adopted parents on all of our documents for guardianship but not on our birth certificate. If it is a closed adoption I understand that we should not have access to it until we turn 18 but after that it is OUR identity to find. We should not have to go through judges and court to obtain our own record of birth.

States with open adoption records — Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island (for those 25 and older) and Oregon — adult adoptees have unfettered access to those records, according to Nina Williams-Mbengue, who works on the issue at the National Conference of State Legislatures.Aug 12, 2016

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