What biological parents should know in adoption

When putting your child up for adoption please let the adopted parents know the honest details of why you are putting your child up for adoption. I would highly suggest writing a letter to your child from you explaining things to them. I think open adoption is the best for the child but the truthContinue reading “What biological parents should know in adoption”

5 Top things to do in adoption coming from an adoptee

1. Keep it an open adoption 2. Always be truthful 3. Talk openly about it 4. Listen to your adopted child 7. Treat them as normal as possible ( do not set them apart from other siblings) The video below has some real good tactics for how to parent. Some of it helped me. ThisContinue reading “5 Top things to do in adoption coming from an adoptee”

“I know an adoptee who is just fine with being adopted” — The adopted ones blog

I was on twitter this weekend and an adoptive parent (or intends to be an adoptive parent someday) – started mixing it up with adoptees chatting amongst themselves. The title above was her go to response to explain her pushback. Which got me to thinking about the post from 2019 linked below. I know an […]Continue reading ““I know an adoptee who is just fine with being adopted” — The adopted ones blog”

Interracial adoption

Interracial adoption refers to the act of placing a child of one racial or ethnic group with adoptive parents of another racial or ethnic group. Interracial adoption is not inherently the same as trans-cultural or international adoption. Wikipedia g/adoption-and-foster-care/how-to-adopt-and-foster/envisioning-your-family/transracial-adoption I am adopted. I am totally against teaching white privilege to your interracial adopted child. AContinue reading “Interracial adoption”

What’s Worse Than a RAD kid? — My Adoption Life

Silhouette of children A RAD child with sexualized behavior seems to be the worst diagnosis for an adoptive family to relate to. I know I’m in the minority when I say we need to be open to having a conversation about sex with our adopted children, but it’s true. A lot of adopted foster kids […]Continue reading “What’s Worse Than a RAD kid? — My Adoption Life”

My thoughts on society’s good and bad ideas of adoption today

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/adoption-in-america-the-g_b_11111576 This is my blog so I am writing my opinion on the articles that I am putting in my blog. I do have experience in adoption of course because I am adopted. First of all some states are making it easier for an adoptee to get their original birth certificate. This is a veryContinue reading “My thoughts on society’s good and bad ideas of adoption today”

Embryos are humans!

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672893/ Bible verse about conception(Genesis 1:28b). And in Genesis 2:24 we are told “Therefore man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” That is the DNA of the male joining with the DNA of the female to become a new and wholly unique humanContinue reading “Embryos are humans!”