Stop playing the victim in adoption

Too many times in adoption family members other than the adoptee want to play the victim. I can see some family members that missed out on the adoptees’ life because they did not know that they had a family member adopted out. For those of you, that knew the mother gave her child up forContinue reading “Stop playing the victim in adoption”

Good News for the World of Adoption Via Podcast — Sherrie Eldridge Adoption

My new podcast-20 THINGS ADOPTION-announces good news for the world of adoption! Adoptive moms and traumatized adoptees can now find freedom–adoptees from their painful past and adoptive moms from their painful self (you know, the self that reminds you you’ll never have what it takes to meet the needs of your adopted child).  102 more words GoodContinue reading “Good News for the World of Adoption Via Podcast — Sherrie Eldridge Adoption”

LGBT adoption

I am doing research on this but I am 100% against it. I believe what the bible says about homosexuality. I also believe that kids need a male and female figure in their lives. This is why kids struggle with one parent. I am a christian so I know God loves all individuals. He createdContinue reading “LGBT adoption”

Getting the adoption process time shorter

Understanding the Average Time to Adopt a Child Adoption wait times are different for each family. There are several key factors in determining yours: the type of adoption and the agency you work with. While other things, like your personal preparedness for the process, will also contribute to your wait time, these two stand aboveContinue reading “Getting the adoption process time shorter”

The shame and guilt of adoption The Impact of Shame When a mother gives her child up she will feel guilt. A family should NOT shame these women. The guilt alone will eat a person up. I have been up front that I do not like adoption and I am still trying to understand why mothers do it but toContinue reading “The shame and guilt of adoption”

What biological parents should know in adoption

When putting your child up for adoption please let the adopted parents know the honest details of why you are putting your child up for adoption. I would highly suggest writing a letter to your child from you explaining things to them. I think open adoption is the best for the child but the truthContinue reading “What biological parents should know in adoption”

Agencies with newborns to adopt

What biological parents should know in adoption

When putting your child up for adoption please let the adopted parents know the honest details of why you are putting your child up for adoption. I would highly suggest writing a letter to your child from you explaining things to them. I think open adoption is the best for the child but the truthContinue reading “What biological parents should know in adoption”

“I know an adoptee who is just fine with being adopted” — The adopted ones blog

I was on twitter this weekend and an adoptive parent (or intends to be an adoptive parent someday) – started mixing it up with adoptees chatting amongst themselves. The title above was her go to response to explain her pushback. Which got me to thinking about the post from 2019 linked below. I know an […]Continue reading ““I know an adoptee who is just fine with being adopted” — The adopted ones blog”